
Use Cases.

Law Enforcement
Intelligence Services
Electricity Company
Law Enforcement

Law Enforcement Agencies

(Multiple Agencies in different countries)
  • Centralized system of group and private communications
  • Highest availability without geographical restrictions
  • Multiple communications tenants, multiple maps
  • Unlimited communication channels, multiple groups, Dynamic channels
  • Navigation, follow the target,
  • Voice, Video, Photo, Files, Messages
  • Information collection and centralized analysis
  • Special FLOW LOGIC configuration for operational missions
  • Remote functionalities
  • Suspect identification from terminal devices in real time
  • Interface with OSINT
  • Forensic biometric analysis
  • Interface with databases
  • SAT LOGIC integration for both real-time and historical information retrieval
  • Real-time video from drones and field cameras

Intelligence Services

Intelligence Services

(Multiple Agencies in different countries)
  • Highly Secure Private Global Network for communications and information sharing
  • Communication without borders
  • Private Full Duplex Voice & Video Calls
  • Operating in a hostile environment
  • Voice, Data, Photo, Video, Location
  • Easy to create Groups / Channels Dynamic channels
  • Gathering information in the field
  • Control center with multiple features
  • Sleeping Agent mode
  • Safe House operation
  • Support multiple missions in different countries
  • Remote functionalities
  • Active Intelligence
  • Interface with SAT LOGIC
  • Special configuration FLOW LOGIC “Silent”
  • Interface with OSINT
  • Interface with databases



  • On premises server installation with government grade security and hardening.
  • Unified Command, Control & Coordination Center displaying in the theater of operations’ monitors all information according to the SOP Plan (Standard Operating Procedures)
  • Mobile devices allow field teams to communicate privately or in hierarchical groups with the C4 system, for voice, data, video, and files sharing.
  • The executives of the Authority obtain complete situation awareness and real-time information geo- time stamped for all programmed inspections throughout

  • Safety worker features for the inspector (Emergency Button, Man Down Alert, G-Shock Alert, Lone Worker Alert) create automated supporting  action plans (flows)for assistance.
  • Specific M ap Layers (Gas Stations, Vessels, W arehouses, etc)
  • Extended history-recording
  • Task per inspector/area/sector
  • Out of schedule inspections
  • Real Time feed form all inspections everywhere
  • No more paper use – all inspections through Flow Logic – Command
  • Real evidence from each inspection (photo, video, files, signature, QR Code, BAR Code) for legal use
  • Special integration and real time information from AIS, GPS trackers, Drones, X-rays, in the theater of operations with automated or ad hoc action planning according to alarms or emergencies acquired.

EGNATIA Motorway

  • EGNATIA Motorway is among the longest roads in SE Europe
  • They use more than 400 special service vehicles (snow, fire, flood ,emergency, etc.) positioned along the road.
  • The weather is always an issue, in the meaning that closing the road due to weather conditions brings penalties and bad image.
  • The need of a solution to coordinate all service vehicles drivers, employees, contractors, technicians
  • Command center receives weather alerts in real time directly form meteorological radars and transforms them in actions, based of the pre-defined Flows.
  • Command center forms immediately a group of available assets in the specific area and then in real time monitors the results.
  • Photos and Videos are also very important for the understanding of the local conditions.
  • Apart from Weather Alerts the same functionalities apply for other incidents (accident, fire, flood, etc.)
Electricity Company


  • HEDNO (DEDIE) tasks’ include the operation, maintenance and development of the power distribution network in Greece, as well as the assurance of a transparent and impartial access of consumers and of all network users in general.
  • Thousand of employees / subcontractors work 24/7amd perform difficult and demanding tasks through out Greece.
  • Coordination, Communications and real time task management are very important.

  • Command with Flow Logic creates a strong basis for all demanding task
  • One device per employee /contractor assures the real time management
  • Pre defined Flows for each occasion that may happen
  • Advanced safety for the worker (panic button, g-shock etc.)
  • Photo and video for the justification of various issues
  • Specific Kiosks in all mobile devices through Samsung SDS EMM
  • All HEDNO apps in one place centrally managed
  • Multiple Maps with dedicated layers
  • Centralized coordination for all tasks